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Newada, Lawa, Ghazipur

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+91 9648255774, 9648255183

Shiv Shakti Public School

General Instruction

a) Medium of education is English though emphasis is stressed on Hindi also. (Mother Tongue)

b) Both boys and girls are welcome in this institution.

c) The classes are held right from nursery to standard 12 Science & Commerce Stream)

d) The academic year is from April to march every year.

e) One class days and schools function pupil most wear the prescribed uniform. Boys and girls should come to school clean & tidy, peoples who are not neatly dressed and pupil’s general appearances doesn't confirm to such regulations as the school prescribes will be send back home from the class by the principal.

f) Irregular attendance habitual illness, neglect of home work disobedience & disrespect towards teacher or bad moral influence, justify dismissal from the institution.

g) No pupil will be allowed to appear in any examinations without ADMIT CARD and whose fees are not clear as per school ledger.

h) Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of school in particular by enforcing regularly and discipline by showing interest in their children's progress and be extending the fullest encouragement for participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

I) A pupil who has been suffering from fever or has been in contract with any infection diseases must produce a certificate from a component authority) so that he/she may attend school without risk of conveying infechien.

j) Pupils who come late for school and those who have been about on the previous day must bring a letter or exploration from their parents. The letter will be first. Countersigned by the principal and then handed over to the class teacher.